News post
News post
Stage 3 Water Restrictions
August 29, 2023

The major change is that residents may only use their irrigation systems once per week while in Stage 3 conditions (instead of twice per week in Stage 2). Landscapes and foundations may be watered by hand, soaker house, or drip system. Check the Stage 3 letter attached below for more specific information.This was done to reduce the amount of water consumed by residents so that we can a) continue to maintain water pressure while using the connection to Little Elm water, and b) not risk inflating costs. Continued excessive use will cause rates to increase when charged by Little Elm, so conserving water will reduce the likelihood of exorbitant costs when we are billed by Little Elm. As discussed at the Board meeting last night, water consumption jumped by 67% over the past month. This is fundamentally why the storage tanks were depleted as quickly as they were.Residents should expect a text message today with this message of water restrictions. You may choose to opt-out of future messages if you would like. The water bills that are scheduled to be mailed out today will contain this information as well.We anticipate and are hopeful for a resolution to this issue soon, and I will update you accordingly. Frisco-West-DCP-Stage-3-Letter.pdfFrisco West DCP Stage 3 Letter