About the district
About the District
As of February 28, 2019, Denton County Fresh Water Supply District No. 8-C obtained approval of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to change its name to Frisco West Water Control and Improvement District of Denton County.

Situated north of the Town of Little Elm and south of the City of Prosper the District is home to The Shoppes At Sunset Pointe, Frisco Hills, Frisco Ranch and The Preserve. Home to almost 7,000 residents the District is completely encompassed in the Frisco Independent School District and is overseen by an elected Board of Directors.
Created by order of the Denton County Commissioners Court on June 27th, 2000, the Denton County Fresh Water Supply District No. 8 of Denton County (the ‘District’) was established to purchase, construct, acquire, own, operate, repair, improve and extend sanitary sewer systems inside the District. Further extended on December 4th, 2000 as a Water Control and Improvement District under Chapter 51 of the Texas Water Code it was later divided on November 5th, 2002 by approval of the voters into DCFWSD 8-B and DCFWSD 8-C.
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 49, 51 and 53 of the Texas Water Code, the District is empowered to purchase, operate and maintain all facilities, plants and improvements necessary to provide water, sanitary sewer service, storm sewer drainage, irrigation, roads, solid waste collection and disposal, including recycling, parks and recreational facilities for the residents of the District. The District is also empowered to contract for or employ its own peace officers with powers to make arrests and to establish, operate and maintain a fire department to perform all fire-fighting activities within the District.
Board Members
The District is overseen by an elected body of five representatives; each a resident of the District elected to a four year term. Duly vested with the power to oversee operations inside the District the Board of Directors operates much like that of a City Council. Chaired by the President, the Board of Directors governs policy and operations inside the District including police, fire, water and infrastructure services.
Billy Logsdon
Term expires 2028
Patrick Larue
Vice President
Term expires 2026
Jenifer Robison
Term expires 2028
Chris Peterson
Assistant Secretary
Term expires 2026
Dean Cardwell
Term expires 2026
Board Meetings
The Board generally meets on the fourth Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Frisco West Municipal Center, 1230 Brendan Drive, Little Elm, Texas 75068. Meetings are open to the public.
Residents of the district have the right to request the designation of a meeting location within the district under Section 49.062, Water Code. A description of this process can be found at https://www.tceq.texas.gov/waterdistricts/districts.htmlhttps://www.tceq.texas.gov/waterdistricts/districts.html
Facilities and Operations
Municipal Center Meeting Hall & Conference Room Rental Information
Rental Hours: 8AM to 9PM daily, Monday – Friday (subject to the use of the facilities by the District). Weekends subject to the discretion of the District.
Reservations: Reservation requests must be made in writing and submitted, at minimum, three (3) business days prior to the rental date here: mailto:main@friscowest.orgmain@fwgov.org.
Fees: $150.00 daily flat fee for first 4 hours, $50/hour after, and a $25.00 cleaning fee. Renter is responsible to fix any damages to property. Rental fees must be received by the District within three (3) business days from the date the reservation is made. The reservation will not be final until thehttps://fwgov.org/wp-content/uploads/Municipal-Building-Meeting-Hall-and-Conference-Room-Rental-Policy.pdf rental policy and rental fee is received by the district at the Office Location, 1230 Brendan Dr., Little Elm, TX 75068 or through email at mailto:main@fwgov.orgmain@fwgov.org.
For any questions regarding Municipal Center Rentals, email mailto:Events@friscowest.orgmain@fwgov.org.
mailto:Events@friscowest.orgTo finalize your reservation, please return the above rental policy along with a check/money order made payable to Frisco West WCIDDC.

The District facilities are currently housed at 1230 Brendan Dr., Little Elm, TX 75068. The new Municipal Center was completed in March of 2020 and is open to the public. Office hours are Monday thru Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm.
The Municipal Center houses the Police, District and Water Operations in addition to being the meeting space for the District Board of Directors and office to pay bills.
Election Information
Below are the timelines and legal requirements for the District’s Board of Directors Elections. If you have any questions please contact us at 214-745-5400.
The next Board Election for Frisco West WCIDDC will be posted here.
Frisco West WCIDDC has a board of five Directors, who are elected by the registered voters within the boundaries of that District.
Applications for a Place on the Ballot can be filed between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in person, by U.S. mail, or e-mail at:
Winstead PC c/o Amy Bieber 2728 N. Harwood Street, Suite 500 Dallas, Texas 78701 Telephone: (214) 745-5761 E-mail: mailto:vhahn@Winstead.comabieber@winstead.com
Application for a Place on the Ballot:
Procedures for Candidates:
Eligibility Requirements:
Eligibility Requirements For Director: To be eligible to be a candidate for, or elected or appointed as, a Director, a person must:
1. Be a United States citizen;
2. Be 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable
3. Have not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be:
- totally mentally incapacitated; or
- partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote;
4. Have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities;
5. Be a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the District or be a qualified voter within the District.
Texas Water Code Disqualification Criteria:
https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/water-code/water-sect-49-052.htmlTexas Water Code § 49.052