News post
News post
Stage 2 Water Restrictions
September 27, 2023

Residents, the Frisco West Water District has moved from Stage 3 water restrictions down to Stage 2. This equates to the following restrictions:
· The reduction of water use through time-of-day landscape irrigation schedule. Customers with street addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) may irrigate on Tuesday and Friday. Customers with street addresses ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) may irrigate on Saturday and Wednesday. Any property 1) owned by the applicable Homeowner’s Association or 2) deemed a common area or open space of the District may irrigate on Monday and Thursday. Irrigation of landscaped areas and building foundations is permitted at any time if it is by means of a hand-held hose, drip irrigation or soaker hose systems.
· The reduction of water use through time-of-day landscape irrigation schedule. No outdoor watering can occur from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Irrigation of landscaped areas and building foundations is permitted at any time if it is by means of a hand-held hose, drip irrigation or soaker hose systems.
· Prohibit recreational water use (water used for leisure and entertainment purposes) including use of faucets or hoses in such a manner that creates runoff or other wastes.
· Restrict washing any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, etc. to the use of a hand-held bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shutoff nozzle, except on the premises of a commercial car wash.
· Prohibit hosing off paved areas, buildings, windows or other hard surfaces. Normal window washing is okay.